
A Place to Start From

I am starting this Blogg to give me a transparent public place to deal with the issues I may be dealing with. I have no idea what I will write or how much I will expose or how scared everyone will be.
But I think transparency will be better than protection with a mask.
Unfortunately, I don't think what I will write will be all that exciting. At least not to those who read it.
So, I now take a leap of faith and jump into this with Both feet.
I am limited for time because today I will be taking my son Adam to a dinner to meet up with Chet McCord, my Dad. I wonder if I will tell him the scary realization that I had two days ago. I decided that I would get up an extra 30 minutes early and take a walk. As I struggled out of bed, I remembered how I used to warm up my voice by reading in the morning. So I grabbed the paraphrased bible called "the message" and started on my walk. I read the first chapter of Philippians. I could hardly get through it. It was then I realized that I am quite Mad at God and I am doubting everything that I read. I have never experienced this while reading the Bible. It scared me. And I still don't know what to do about it.
I have attached a wonderful picture of two people who mean the world to me. Let's see if this works....

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