This is a place for me to share some thoughts of my life, and some thoughts from the edge...
Psychological air
I keep on finding examples of expectations that are idealized and unreasonable. I am also realizing that I am not effectively and continuously communicating my expectations to others. Perhaps, if I can communicate why I am disappointed, while also listening completely to them, perhaps there will be fewer hurt feelings…
But it takes so much energy to truly listen to another. (I am writing and thinking – who knows where this will end up…)
I read in a book that listening to others is like giving them psychological air. If you take the time to fully understand where they are coming from, and are able to state it to them in a way that they know you understand, they may be willing to listen to your points-feelings-ideas as well.
I just experienced some pain when my mom commented on a previous post. I realize that, even though I was dealing with the area she commented on, she has been hurt by it. But I am so sensitive about the subject that I cannot yet deal with her pain. Sitting here now, I hope and pray that this will start us communicating on the subject – even though the first communications have been poor. We have to start somewhere. I hope that we will not give up just because we are communicating badly. Let us keep doing it until we learn to do it well.
Writing this, I realize that I need to somehow empathize with my mother’s hurts. I need her to know that I completely understand them. Just thinking about facing that is frightening. (Am I being too dramatic?)
It is so hard to do this within the emotionally-charged arena of a family, especially when there is a history of good people communicating poorly. No wonder it seems safer and easier to communicate with strangers. You have not disappointed them yet.
I cannot change people. I can only change myself. And even that is a daunting task.
There are Blueberries in my...
Un-sunny Sundays
Performance Art
When is life a performance and when is it Authentic? When does what I write here become limited by what I want people to see? Ideally, there would be no difference (accept the name changes to protect the innocent ;). In practice, there is a difference. I caught myself going through the list of people that I have told about this site, checking to see if what I wrote was what I wanted them to know. Then I thought of the lonely words found on a journal page of my sister’s, “I am going to open up a window into my life – so that those who are outside can see in.” Then just below it, as if to give one a first glimpse, “Lonliness reflecting in the brink of tears last night.” And the page before, she writes “’Who are you?’ asks for a revelation, and we give a name”
It is these words that fist inspired me to write here. Yet the personal struggles seem so shameful to disclose. I want to be a work of art, yet I see myself, honestly, as a battered parchment that is hardly useful. The only true usefulness I feel are the moments when I am working with my son. And then, I don’t know who is getting more out of it, Me :) or him (Him or I?). What a gift he is!
Prehaps I set my bar too high, hoping for success to follow every act, waiting for the perfect choice, hoping that my actions will be approved and that my inaction will be ignored. Because I am focusing on my desire not-to-be-shamed, I wait for the perfect moment to act. But the planets and the stars don’t often allign. And my inaction gets me nowhere and muddles my life (the way this paragraph seems to have become muddled…haha – It could be that the only one who will understand what I am saying is me ;).
Smiling now, I see a little clearer. I have fallen into the same hole that has gobbled up so many hours and days and years. I am grasping for the protection of a perfect choice so that my life can be artfully made. But there are no perfect options. None except to live every moment to its fullest and to seek God’s will there. Even Solomon concluded that.
Everything else is outside of my control. So, I again release control of my life. (not that I could ever say that I had it.) It has been in God’s hands all along. Whatever disaster or victory I meet with, I will be it’s pupil. If I see it from His eyes, I will be seeing it with hope…
Stinky Shoes
I just watched myself squash a positive emotion. How cruel is it to squash a positive emotion.
My Thought: We all know that “positive thinking” is bull…ony. But, I don’t think that extends to positive emotions. They are rare and precious. They should be nurtured, protected, and bathed in truth. Notice them, enjoy them, don’t be harsh to them. Yes, they may be tied to a prediction of the future. But they can be nudged into being enjoyed just for the moment you are in. You (I) might want to discredit the emotion because the future is questionable – well the discrediting negative thought should be held to the same test.
Missed opportunity
The trough
Interesting 7th day of August
A small step
The first official post to
From "Much Ado About Nothing"
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never:
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
Sing no more ditties, sing no more,
Of dumps so dull and heavy;
The fraud of men was ever so,
Since summer first was leafy:
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
So I stayed up 'till
The ending (warning - spoiler ahead), well, I related to it. It expressed how I feel so often. As I went to sleep, and woke up this morning, I realized that I may not be able to put "why" into words. It just hits on so many levels. I understand the decisions at the end, leaving a love that would be perfect for me, but not right for anyone else. The apparent sacrifice of that love, for the well being of everyone involved.
God, I wish I had the mental agility to describe what I mean. As I write this, I am freezing up, knowing that some where, at some time, someone I want to love will read this. I don't want them to think that I am settling for them. But they may. The truth is, all of those "love" experiences are so much more perfect because they were never tested by "real life." They remain ideal because, had I followed that road, life would have scarred and spoiled that ideal. Things never work out as we dream they will.
Maybe "love" is a gift that appears for a season, and then goes into hiding. Maybe, if we leave the love when it is the purist, it will always be pure, spoiled only by the leaving. Maybe the love I describe is only the mystical ideal propagated in songs and movies. Real love is an act of your will.
Spanglish was a love story. It was about the love that a parent has for their child. It is about how to love your child - how to protect them - how to bring them up.
It may be a movie that I will have to purchase. Obviously, my thoughts on it are choppy (at best). Maybe I can revisit this post and make it understandable and readable.....
Two crashes all because my role changed
The list of things I hate
Day's end
From Mom's House
A Place to Start From
But I think transparency will be better than protection with a mask.Unfortunately, I don't think what I will write will be all that exciting. At least not to those who read it.So, I now take a leap of faith and jump into this with Both feet.I am limited for time because today I will be taking my son Adam to a dinner to meet up with Chet McCord, my Dad. I wonder if I will tell him the scary realization that I had two days ago. I decided that I would get up an extra 30 minutes early and take a walk. As I struggled out of bed, I remembered how I used to warm up my voice by reading in the morning. So I grabbed the paraphrased bible called "the message" and started on my walk. I read the first chapter of Philippians. I could hardly get through it. It was then I realized that I am quite Mad at God and I am doubting everything that I read. I have never experienced this while reading the Bible. It scared me. And I still don't know what to do about it.I have attached a wonderful picture of two people who mean the world to me. Let's see if this works....
Some amazing pictures from the site where my sister died two years ago today...
This is a view from the top of the ledge where Elisabeth enjoyed some of her last moments
Breathtaking... isn't it