Pause, a second or two, at the punctuation marks
I don't think you can underestimate the ability of the human mind to fool itself.
From a distance, it is easily to see what a person should or shouldn't do... But if we get up close, real close... like in-a-person's-shoes close, we see a labyrinth of motivations, justifications, and biases.
Another way to look at it is. We have a view of the world - kind of a map - through which we view life. If the map is off, it does not matter what we see, we are going to view it wrong. Then add to that map all our dreams, desires, and plans, and memories. With all that junk in the way, how can we expect to see anything rationally.
So our lives are filled with irrational positions and effected then by irrational decisions. We look around us, expecting everyone to understand why. But how can they? They are viewing our life with their map.
So we are faced with a choice, look into a person and discover why they are who they are - or judge them for doing what we would not have done.
Seems kind of silly, now, to look at another's life and judge them. It is silly to look for consistency and logic. To think of it, we often barely understand the true motives behind our own actions. How can we expect to understand another's.
And what a gift it would be, for another to see our heart. To see our motives, to understand us, to love us....
thank you God...
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