
How I misinterpreted my best friend

How I misinterpreted my best friend.

I have a best friend,
With whom I speak every night.
She wanted to love me
Dreamed of holding me tight.

But my wanna-be-player days
Weaved a careless love maze
Leading her affection through
An unwarranted haze.

Till Christmas Eve night,
Just one year ago,
When I found I was done
Being so shallow.

I looked down upon
Her sweetheart face.
Asked her to come
Partner in life’s race.

For two solid weeks
I showed her affection
Then previous misdeeds
Conspired my rejection.

But my altered outlook
With her hopeful attention
Added three more months
To my dream-like condition.

But the inevitable day came
Around my birthday no less
Her path split with mine
And my plans were a mess.

But she ner dated again
Was herself she’s addressing.
So our friendship continued
awaiting a loving re-setting.

So my smitten heart read
Every action of hers
As proof she was hiding
My broken heart cure.

No dates she went on
And neither did I
Every night we phone chatted
To the expense of shuteye

I’d never loose hope.
I thought I could cope.
But my life fell apart
As time broke my heart.

So this is where
hope began its fade
Every time she went out
Life felt concave.

Finally I decided
Enough was enough.
I was stopping this friendship
With one great big Puff!

But way down inside
In a place I’d not looked
I was hopping this loss
Would reset her love hook.

My unconscious bluff
Was mighty indeed,
A whole day of text messages
Explained frustrations and needs

But the bottom life price
I was willing to loose
Was way more than
My heart could excuse

When I hung up the phone
After saying good-bye
The sound in my head
Buzzed like a horsefly

If a best friend was all
I could ever have with this treasure
Then By Golly I’d better
Retract my last measure!

I was so wrong.
She wasn’t faking.
No secrete love song
Was her heart a making.

So a resolution I made,
When romantic thoughts spawn,
I’ll slap myself silly,

Chances are overwhelming
That her door was now closed.
So all that was left
Is what my next call proposed.

“Friends with friend limits,
As you’ve described us before,
If I stop romance notions!
Please don’t close-to-me your door?”

“Wasn’t my idea you leave,”
She said with a sigh.
“I had hoped for so long
You’d come to this side.”

So now the future before us
Is friends, hand-in-hand.
May I never again draw
That stupid line in the sand.


Leap of Faaaith said...
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Leap of Faaaith said...

To the out-of-touch cruel critic who left a comment yesterday, next time you want to disrepect my life and the effort i have put into this website, please don't hide behind the anonymous tab. I would be happy to engage you in an enlightening discussion on the subjects and reasons for this site, but as you exhibited traits of a hit-and-run troll, such enlightenment was evidently not your intention. So please, don't take the time to respond to this site. Stay in your troll hole. You are not welcome here.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I think my poem would go something like this:

I met this girl in my wanna-be-player days;
I saw her across the bar on Valentines 89' of all days.
She tried to escape without leaving her number;
So I cut her off at the door like a roar of thunder.
We had our fun, we had our laughs;
But somehow we knew things wouldnt last.
We got silly one night in my "room" or should I say "cubby";
Broke open a bag of Easter grass, and ....:-) Ohhhhhhhhhh.....you get the picture!!

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me! While its not Edmund Spenser or Tennyson, it is certainly a whole lot more profound and moving.