

usmctanks reviews [stumbleupon.com]B-E-A-utiful!I needed to see that love is possible today - thanks for the proof!"To My Wife,I sit here today and think of us and how much that you mean to me.....When we met, I knew that I liked you and I thought that just having you as my friend would be enough.I never foresaw that as time went by I would fall helplessly and hopelessly in love with you.I never thought that I would need your smile to warm my heart.I would have to look into your eyes to see the future.Yearn for your kisses to chase away the boredom in my life.Nor did I think that I would long for you to come to me and be in my arms day and night to make me feel perfect in everyway.Most of all I never thought that I would ever wind up being so much in love with you that I would be frightened and terrified that I may lose you.But, today I smile and know that you will soon be in my arms again, I will see you smile, look into your eyes seeing them sparkle back at me, and then our lips touch and become one.At that moment I will know that my day will then have meaning......because a day without you is meaningless.Love always, your loving Husband,""

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