
Self Absorbed

For any number of a billion reasons

As I crawl back into a functional life, it seems that most of those around me expect me to have already achieved a level that I have not yet found.

So, Where am I.

I am in an overly self-absorbed spot that is limiting my ability to interact effectively with life.  The source of that could be the hormone induced anxiety that I claim to suffer from. Or, I could be creating the hormonal imbalance with my thought processes. (see how self absorbed I am acting...)

I have started a good paying part time position that is reminding me that I do have a skill set that could help others. I think, if I got my mind off of myself and what I am anxious about, and started interacting with others... Well for now, I have a few rules
But the rules must stay in place for a while more.... (Present pace would require them to stay in place for – oh – the next 100 years..

My 100 year rules:
     No frivolous spending.
     No Dating or misconstrue-able flirting.
     No compromising company,

It is survival time. It is time for me to concentrate on what I do well (mortgages and friendships). And it is also time for me to begin to rekindle my care for those who care about me.

For the last year, the only thing I have found success at is my relationship with my Son. It is nice to begin to find new successes. (Alright... My self absorption is really annoying me – I am going to bed.)

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