
What we worship...

What we worship...

(this will be changed when I wake up and think, what the heck was I trying to write. For anyone interested, this is what the first draft of a post usually looks like.)

So, idols.... What is an Idol?
(Incomplete answers) people or things or Ideals that take up an inordinate and unhealthy amount our thoughts and time.

Worship – dwelling on, giving time to, holding up as exalted. Acknowledgement of value and position with Words and deeds.

What Idols are you worshiping?

I am having to rethink what my life has been based upon. What ideal has it actually been focused around. What pervasive plan did I pay attention to? Did I worship it? Did it become the idol of my life?

I say yes. But it wasn’t just women. It was the pursuit of an ideal woman to complete me. Too much became watered down due to this pursuit.

So, now, I must lay down forever these and attend to the creator, for whom I was created. (spooky sounding- must be a better way to communicate it.)

Looking for some feedback – This thoughts are very new and very rough.


Leap of Faaaith said...

Yah, you have some great points.

My concern, with myself, is that there are things in my life that are more important than God, at least from my actions. I don't know what word to describe that with. I think this will be someting that I will have to fast and pray on. But I also want to try to phrase it in as palitable a way possible....

All I can say is that I am in a tough but good place. And I am in need of prayer.

Leap of Faaaith said...

Okay, I think I understand what I was having trouble reflecting before.

My newest post (Idolizing the Idea) Expresses it better.

I like my newly coined word, Metaphysical idol - unfortunatley, a quick google search just told me that my word-smithing is not origional - just that the definition I attached to it is.... Oh well.