
Writers write right

Writer’s write... right?

I guess I will have to turn in my writer’s card, because I have not been writing. I don’t think that has been a good thing.

Basically I am reaping much of what I have sown. And it isn’t fun. I have lost relationships and parts of my life that I never wanted to loose. I am struggling to see God’s plan in it all. I frankly think it all really sucks.

And what sucks even more is when those you are close to begin to question even the things you are doing marginally well. Or when those you trust to help you do things that make you squirm and want to throw up. Or when those you love don’t even try to keep in touch....

Okay, I didn’t write very well. I cannot have my writer’s card back yet.

1 comment:

Leap of Faaaith said...

Very well put.

One of my least favorite lines that I have used on some friends is - "perhaps for you to learn that, you have to have your heart broken... I just hope you aren't thick headed and have to have it broken many times to get the point across."

In other words, "God will fix a fix to fix you, but if you fix the fix God fixed to fix you, he will fix another fix to fix you. So let him fix you..."