
Come to Pass

Come to Pass

There are things that I desire. There are events that I would like to orchestrate. There are moments that I would like to extend through my future. There are ideas and dreams that I would like to experience fully.

But a funny thing happens in life. Things come-to-pass - Literally. They come and then they pass on. Nothing but Nothing stays and stays constant. An attempt to hold anything is an attempt of ultimate futility.

There is one thing that does not change or fade or grow old. It is God. Whether you believe in him, as I do, or not, you have to be in awed with its concept. The Christian trinity, aptly represented to us by the collection of writings called The Bible, gives us a constant in this ever-changing never-stopping world. Like milk, you can look at it, describe it, test it, pontificate about it, critique it, question it, describe it by what someone did with it, but until you drink it, you will never understand what it can do.

So when you are frustrated by life coming, only to pass by; when you seek that stability from life, and anyone in it, and it fails you; look outside of yourself and into that uniquely historical revelation called the Bible. You might be surprised what you find when you drink it, instead of just looking at it.  

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