


Truth is an interesting concept. If you say that there is no truth, then your very statement contradicts itself. If you accept that there is truth, then you begin to argue whether it is relative.

I submit to you that the only thing relative about truth is your perspective of it. Truth, by definition, is pure and …. True.

Now I come to the axiom, “the truth will set you free.” But if your view of truth is skewed, then your responding actions will be flawed.  But perhaps I should back up for a moment. Truth sets you free because when you fully comprehend it, it defines how you will respond. You no longer have to quibble about whether what you are doing is right or wrong. You know. If you choose to embrace a flawed perspective of truth, then your actions will be flawed. But if you embrace pure truth, it requires your obedience.

So there is truth, and it will set you free, if you see it clearly…

How clear is your view?

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