

I am in awe. I love attempting to smith words together in a readable & reachable way. But Rarely have I met someone who could do it with the consistent beauty and flow that the man on this link has, over time, shown. From what I have read, his style feels more like water flowing. It is simultaneously easy to read and comprehend; all the while showing itself to be the fruit of thoughtful intelligence. Thank you for inspiring me tonight. Making me realize that it is indeed a wonderful thing to write, and live, and share.


Anonymous said...

I read some of his poems linked to your site. He is so good. I am glad you were reading this because it is so thoughtful and positive. Where are the pictures from? How neat. I loved it too. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

can you ever forgive me, and will we be able to maintain some sort of friendship? please let me know when you're ready.

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend....
Ive been viewing your web site trying to figure out if you're finally in a happy place. And to be honest, I still can't figure it out. I hope you've been able to find some happiness in your life and maybe some inner peace. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...my heart and my friendship are here for the taking. I love you my friend!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you and some others as I listened to the lyrics in this song "Change" by Tracy Chapman. It is a beautiful song about life,loss and what may or may not motivate us to change. I would make you a copy, but then you would have to make that request . Judging by the visitors on your site it would take you some time to figure out who is suggesting your listening ear. Looks like you may have to buy the Cd. ;( Enjoy!

Leap of Faaaith said...

well, I still haven't figured out who you are, but i downloaded a copy of change. - It is great. ;)