
Holding on

Holding on.

I am bound to be repeating myself. But like layers of an onion, I must go back over areas that I am weak in – in order to effectively deal with them. I cannot expect to deal effectively with a systemic dysfunctional issue without going over it again and again and again. So today, I am remembering again to let go.....

What am I holding on too? The people, the losses, the loves, the hurts, the possessions... I hold onto them as though they were mine. But truly, nothing is mine. There is nothing that I can possess. Those things I hold on to will either be ripped away, or become a poison in my life.

It is like the giant that wants to hug-them and squeeze them and hold them tight... but by grasping them, he kills them...

It is hard to see things as temporary – Especially the good things – But also the bad. It is as though we bought the lie so that we could believe the good things would never leave us. But it also makes us believe that the bad will never go either.

Lord, make my thoughts sober and Help me to let go of everything, trusting that you will provide, in your time, and in your way.

1 comment:

Hummingbirds815 said...

God gives us people, loves, losses, hurts, posessions, and good things to help shape who we are. He is certainly working in you. He gives us other Christians for support. No, we can't hold on too tightly, but appreciate them for what/who they are. It is a hard concept to grasp and even harder to practice. I don't know anyone that does it real well. Everyone gets attached. Once we learn to appreciate them for thier true value, then we will consider them either short-term or long-term Blessings. I'll be praying for you on your journey.